
Monday, April 19, 2010

Bridal Waltz - How to Dance

The bridal waltz has a very symbolic character. It is a symbol of a close unity, harmony and the expression of the innermost feelings. Undoubtedly this dance was created specially for two loving hearts that are experiencing a new period of their relations, the period when their hearts and destinies are uniting. In order to make the bridal waltz a real decoration of the wedding party the bride and groom have to pay great attention to the performing of the dance. As almost any dance is impossible without music the first thing to do is to think upon it and then to choose the most appropriate variant. After completing the task the bride and the groom can get down to mastering the dance.
It should be mentioned that while dancing the bridal waltz the role of the leader is assigned to the man. The woman has to follow the partner’s movements and steps. The main thing for both dancers is to step at the same time. There are three steps that will make the process of dance performing successful.
1.     The fundamental part of the bridal waltz has to do with music. The music should correspond to the inner condition of both partners. Having chosen the suitable variant the bride and groom have to learn the technique of music counting. The main thing is to count the music in the same way; otherwise their efforts will be vain.
2.     The man begins dancing with the left foot, by taking a step forward. Then he directs his steps to the side with the right foot, next he moves the left foot to the right one. The following thing to do is to step backward with the right foot. The left foot goes to the side and then the dancer has to step backward with the right foot. So both the right and the left feet have to be together. One should take into consideration the fact that all the movements are repeated. We should not forget about steps and the bearing that should be majestic and graceful. It is advisable for men to repeat the following words while dancing: “front, side, together, back, side, together”
3.     The woman’s steps are the same, she has only to follow or even to mirror the dance partner’s steps and to start to the back. The bride can repeat the words: “back side together, front side together”
      While dancing the partners face each other. The woman keeps the left arm on the partner’s upper left arm. The man in his turn puts the right arm on the partner’s left shoulder and he has to hold her right hand in his left one.
      The couple goes round the dance pavilion counterclockwise.