
Friday, March 30, 2007

Spining ( power ) moves:

Spining ( power ) moves:
The first move: a b-boy jumps forward and hits the ground, leaning on his arms. He jumps back from this position, aterizing on his feet.
The second, more difficult: it is the same move, but the dancer's legs are crossed.

A b-boy is standing on the arms, the legs form X with his arms - one leg is in front and the other beside. Then he makes a strong push of the ground and changes legs position (now, the leg,  which was in front is placed behind, and vice versa).

Floating on head
To perform this move you must wear a special breakdance cap.
There are 2 ways of head floating:
1: you run up on your head, lean on your amrs at first, then float mechanically on your head.
2: you are standing on your head, the legs are in parallel to the floor. Push off the floor with your palms and slowly float.

Common move: run in a circle turning somersaults. The more difficult way: run in circle leaning on your palms and feet.

It is like swipe, but in the air the legs are twisted, then you fall. The break usually is performed like the end of usual swipe.

Worm (dolphin):
1. Lay on the foor on your belly, the whole body touches the floor.
2. Rise your legs and hips.
3. Rise your arms, the legs are drowing down
4. Repeat all the steps from the beginning. It will look like you are crawling the mountains. It is very easy to learn this move, but very difficult to perform it.

A sort of worm:
The same worm, but backwards. It begins like the usual worm, but instead of rising your arms, you rise your elbows till they achieve your hips, then use your legs to jump. Make a move backwards with your arms, and your breast is must be down before your legs. Or, you can do it
from standing on your arms, slowly drow down your breast, then the belly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Down break styles:

UPROCK ( Brooklyn Rock ) - it is a fight imitating dance. To feel the rhythm and music - this is the main in the "fight". Nowadays, the uprock is often misplaced with another break element - the toprock.

TOPROCK(Shuffle) - is a dance style, vertical foot work. This dance is very individual, because each dancer has his own toprock style. The transition from toprock to floor elements-downrock, is named godown.

is one of the first invented breaking moves. You can hardly imagine a good dance without an original chain or fast foot sequence. A good done footwork move looks sometimes better then even powermove.

DOWNROCK ( Floorrock, Footwork )
- the rhythmic steps, circulary around your body. There are a lot of various DOWNROCK elements.
The simplest example: the cutting down. This is the common move, and it can be easy done by everybody, regardless of whether you are in a good shape or not. In fact, the cutting down descends in break from folk russian dances. The dancer sits on the floor on his left leg, and the right leg is straightened to the right side. Then, he moves circulary his right leg in parallel with the floor, leaning on his palms. Then the move is repeated with the left leg.

SPINING ( POWER ) MOVES - these are moves, which requires, as a rule, a good physical strength. But if you don't have a good physical strength you can succeed in performing these moves by accentuating the good mastering of art.

WAVE - a beginner's move. In a serious breakdance it's rarely used. By another side, for the beginner the wave can be a good training. The dancer falls down on his arms. First he touches the ground with his arms, then with his breast, and finally with his legs.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Down Break moves and styles:

The down break has 4 interrelated directions:
Uprock and Toprock - it isn't completely down break, but it is necessary for powermoves.

Spining moves or power moves
Power elements, circular motions.

Body fixation

A sequence of foot moves

Down Break Styles:

Uprock and Toprock,    Footwork,       Freeze,            Spining(power)moves,  
Wave,                               Foot-arm, Stilts ,         Spider, Worm,       Backspin,                   
           Float                                  Alligator                Mills                   Headspin                Flares    Swipes                 Candle                    Track                 Air Track

Breakdance moves: top break

How do you imagine a real breakdancer? For most of people, a breakdancer is somebody "whirling on his head", elbows, arms, etc. on the sparkling floor in a club or in the street. But what you can see it is just the top of a giant iceberg. One of the components of this iceberg is top break.

Top break is a new dancing style wich has appeared relative recently. It is impossible to find out, who was the first top break dancer, because it happened 20 years ago in USA. Some moves, very popular nowadays, have been used by dancers even 100 years ago, some come from the asiatic dances. The slave dancers became in some way the "founders" of modern top break moves, such as body and arm waves. The fast growing technical inventions and civilization achievements "gave rise" to people-robots, who imitated in their dances automatic and mechanical robots' moves. They are named the fathers of the modern top break.

Today the top break is one of the most progressive breakdance components. For maximal effect you should combine all top break styles, for example: it looks really beautiful when a waving is folowed by different fixations. You are absolutely free and you have no limits in composing yor own, inconfundable dance style.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Breakdance: Before You Start It

So, you decided to become a breakdancer. It doesn't matter where and how did you find out about break. As usual, people "come in break" for one of 3 main reasons: because it is really COOL(ok, the human envy and vanity also play its roles here), the second reason: because you simply like breakdancing(a very strange reason, isn't it?:), and finally: because you have nothing else to do. Only first two reasons lead to real passion to breakdancing and good results. In first case the desire to perfection works in your favour: it makes you continue trainings and not abandone
them, in second case it is more difficult: you must have a very strong will in order to obtain good results. The third variant isn't relevant.

What's next? The 90% of break dancers come from break schools. It means only one thing - find the roads leading to some kind of break-club or break-school. Don't forget, that some of your friends may also like dancing. Together you will form you own "band". Now, it is the moment to choose the leader, who will be able to resolve all problems andYou are the most difficulties. And why not to give this crucial role to you?:)

Now is the time to resolve organizational problems. At first you have to find a suitable place for dances. If it is summer time, it will not be a big problem - the porches, chldren's playgrounds, empty sites may become your dancepool.
It is much more difficult to organize trainings in winter. The room must be warm and dry. You can find something like a cellar, but: it must be not only dry and warm, but also clean and high. Also, you can make an agreement with administration of a school to rent for a reasonable cost a gym or a suitable classroom. The trainings must take place at least 3-4 times per week, if you really want to succeed in breakdance.

The next important component is the music. The most popular and easy to get are: Music Instructor, Bomfunk mc's, Jam Style & Da Boogie, Chemical brothers, even Prodigy. About breakdancer's clothing style you can read in one of the next articles.

Now you are ready to start! Learn breakdance tips from our on-line lessons and soon you will achieve fabulous results in these extremal dance!

The Universal Break Dance Floor - Fibreboard

What does fibreboard means for breakdance? It is the same as land for animals, air for birds, water for fish ... it is something indispensable for a break dancer. The fibreboard is an universal floor, it isn't slipperry, it is smooth, not has a lot of values, but the main! you can take it with you! (even though it is certainly not a pack of cigarettes. , but you must agree, it can't easily be taken ... eee ... a training apparatus for athlete ... or swimming pool for swimmer:)

You can get fibreboard in different ways ... in father's garage, for example, or "borrow" one piece from a building site ,and finally you can buy it ... ok, I don't know what does is there in your father's garage ... and I don't know if you even have a father's garage... At a site you can alwaways find something like fibreboard, but the pieces are of 1.5x2.5 or 2x3 meters ... that why the most simple is ..., yes, to buy it :), the most inexpensive way to get a proper fibreboard piece is to buy it at the construction market.

You must have a big dance floor that why you need a lot of fibreboard! Every breakdancer must have the place for his dancefloor at home,... ,at gym,... and a piece to be taken out in streets... remember the fibreboard is not durable! When it is at home ... it will "serve" for you and your trainings longer than if it has been used outdoors... when it becomes obliterated it loses its properties.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Break Dance: at Start

What you must be able to do at start:
standing on your hands(or on your one hand) and on your head (for "candles" and acrobatics);
standing at "tatle" and at your one hand (for cricket and different twistings );
having dezvolted and enduring your abdominale muscles (for "dalasal" and else); strong back muscles (for "swipes");
having a good stretching and even-splits (for "freeze", "dalasal", etc.);
It would be better if you can do all of these :)