
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Breakdance moves: top break

How do you imagine a real breakdancer? For most of people, a breakdancer is somebody "whirling on his head", elbows, arms, etc. on the sparkling floor in a club or in the street. But what you can see it is just the top of a giant iceberg. One of the components of this iceberg is top break.

Top break is a new dancing style wich has appeared relative recently. It is impossible to find out, who was the first top break dancer, because it happened 20 years ago in USA. Some moves, very popular nowadays, have been used by dancers even 100 years ago, some come from the asiatic dances. The slave dancers became in some way the "founders" of modern top break moves, such as body and arm waves. The fast growing technical inventions and civilization achievements "gave rise" to people-robots, who imitated in their dances automatic and mechanical robots' moves. They are named the fathers of the modern top break.

Today the top break is one of the most progressive breakdance components. For maximal effect you should combine all top break styles, for example: it looks really beautiful when a waving is folowed by different fixations. You are absolutely free and you have no limits in composing yor own, inconfundable dance style.